Beginning this week, our family went to Highpoint Church for our weekly renewal of God's word. In Andy's message he spoke about discipline and self control. I myself have never been too good at discipline whether it be that piece of chocolate cake looking me in the face, or control of my gossiping. Discipline has never been my strong suit. But during the service (which was actually a series he was doing on being a Godly Man) he asked that we ask God what our weakness is and what we need more discipline in. Immediately he outlined gossip for me. I also felt like he was telling me that I needed more discipline in the way I speak to my toddler. Everyone knows how exhausting a toddler can be. Alex is always into something, feeding the dogs something bad, pulling his diaper off... etc etc... well sometimes I catch myself raising my voice. My husband is always quick to remind me that he is just a toddler and he's exploring. But staying home with him 6 days a week makes you more desensitized to the way you are talking to him. Every morning before the rush to get my husband off to work, I pray that I am able to hold my tongue... both in the way of gossip and for patience in the way I speak to my sweet 21 month old son.
In other news, I have started my morning devotional and this morning the verse outlined really stuck out to me. "Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" Galatians 3:3
The way the devotional proceeded was so inspirational. It spoke about the times that you know the Lord is trying to push you in a direction that's different from your own wants and needs. Going the way of the Lord can be scary but also exhiliarating. You don't know what is going to happen next but the newness and excitement of the new change in your life keeps you on top of this new goal God has assigned to you. For me it was my decision to stay home with my children. On the way home from the grocery store with both my children in the back seat I prayed to God, "Please show me what YOU want me to do!!" The answer was almost immediate. Stay home with your children... and this verse immediately popped into my head.
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6.
I began to feel my face get hot, and I realized... this is a sign. We might be strapped for cash... but I will be able to train my children in the way they should go... and for me that was priceless.
Jon and I went to Baskin Robbins that following Sunday and talked about it. After coming up with a financial plan and praying about it, I put my two weeks notice in at Best Buy. And to be quite honest, I've never looked back. Not once.
What the devotional was getting at however (sorry I got off on a tangent for a second :-P) was that a lot of times we suffer apathy when trying to get to our goal that God has set for us. We get complacent and try to fulfill our own wants and needs. We must always keep in mind that God's original way... is the way we should go. :)
I started following the devotional's author Mary Beth on my blog and she has set up an August challenge. Every day she has decided to post a thought and verse for the day to contemplate and meditate on. I cannot way to read her daily verses.
Onto recipe news! Tonight I am making a meatloaf, potatoes and green beans. I will post the recipe, however most people know how to make a basic meatloaf right? Any way.. that's the most complex thing on my recipe list this week so meatloaf it is!
This weekend I attended the Kidstown consignment sale!!! I was very blessed to find a lot of things for Hannah and Alex for the fall including both of their winter coats and some little rattles and toys for Hannah. Her first toys that aren't Alex's YAY! lol.
This morning I clocked a 1.15 mile, but it was on a treadmill with no incline (I've learned my lesson about that incline) I usually walk at a 4 incline and then lower it to a 1 when I start my run. I woke up extra early this morning to get my run in. 5 am to be exact. Yup the sun wasn't even up yet. :-P But I did enjoy the earlier time. It gave me the time to get alot more squeezed into my morning which I was grateful for.
Any way you guys! Have a good day!! Meatloaf with pictures tomorrow!!!
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